It happens that QFabric log shows the interface name with the FPC prefix. This could be very tricky while troubleshooting.
For instance, you can get a log line like the next one:
root@qfabric> show log messages | last 100000 | match SNMP_TRAP_LINK_DOWN
Apr 10 16:25:05 qfabric NW-NG-0 mib2d[8296]: SNMP_TRAP_LINK_DOWN: ifIndex 1091568306, ifAdminStatus up(1), ifOperStatus down(2), ifName ge-5/0/18
I think the best way to find out the FPC number of each QFX3500 node is the combination of two commands as it follows. First, log in to Network Node Group using request component login.
root@qfabric> request component login NW-NG-0
Warning: Permanently added 'dcfnode-default---nw-ine-0,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
--- JUNOS 13.1X50-D15.1 built 2013-10-31 14:06:44 UTC
At this point, issue virtual chassis status:
qfabric-admin@NW-NG-0> show virtual-chassis status
Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 0000.0022.0000
Member ID Status Model prio Role Serial No
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R0000-C
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R1111-C
2 (FPC 2) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R2222-C
3 (FPC 3) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R3333-C
4 (FPC 4) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R4444-C
5 (FPC 5) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R5555-C
6 (FPC 6) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R6666-C
7 (FPC 7) Prsnt qfx3500 0 Linecard R7777-C
8 (FPC 8) Prsnt fx-jvre 128 Backup aaaaaaaa-4797-11e3-98ac-111111111111
9 (FPC 9) Prsnt fx-jvre 128 Master* bbbbbbbb-4797-11e3-99a8-222222222222
From the output abow, it shows FPC of each QFX3500 node device and the next step is to find out which serial number belongs to which node. This job can be solved showing the fabric administration inventory:
root@qfabric> show fabric administration inventory
Item Identifier Connection Configuration
Node group
NW-NG-0 Connected Configured
nod14 R6666-C Connected
nod15 R3333-C Connected
nod16 R1111-C Connected
nod09 R5555-C Connected
nod10 R2222-C Connected
nod11 R7777-C Connected
nod12 R1111-C Connected
nod13 R4444-C Connected
RSNG1 Connected Configured
nod01 R0677-C Connected
nod02 W0137-C Connected
RSNG2 Connected Configured
nod03 R2292-C Connected
nod04 R0603-C Connected
RSNG3 Connected Configured
nod05 R0818-C Connected
nod06 R4700-C Connected
RSNG4 Connected Configured
nod07 R2215-C Connected
nod08 R4914-C Connected
Interconnect device
interconnect1 IC-R1111-C Connected Configured
R2692-C/RE0 Connected
interconnect2 IC-W2222-C Connected Configured
W2300-C/RE0 Connected
Fabric manager
FM-0 Connected Configured
Fabric control
FC-0 Connected Configured
FC-1 Connected Configured
Diagnostic routing engine
DRE-0 Connected Configured
Director group
DG0 0000000450000000 Connected
DG1 0111111451111111 Connected
In conclusion, for our example ge-5/0/18 matches node 9 port 18.
In conclusion, for our example ge-5/0/18 matches node 9 port 18.